Lyric discussion by TheAnswer 

Can only assume that the "Don't Swallow the Cap" is reference to Tennessee Williams who choked to death on the cap of a bottle of eyedrops he was applying. Tennesse Williams has been referenced in a couple songs before such as "City Middle"

Oh, wow, I did not know that. That sounds very probable actually.

I still think (even though Matt makes a lot of water images in his lyrics) the line is "everything I love is out to see" not "sea"

Anian- I actually think it could be sea. Tennessee Williams always wanted to be buried at sea, at the same place his favorite poet threw himself into the water. His brother ignored his wishes and put him in the ground.

YES! I was wondering how many other people would realize that. But I was REALLY wondering what the other people thought it meant? haha. Curiosity...It's most definitely about being a young Tennessee Williams and not choking on the cap. It's said that his gag reflexes were shot to hell, having something to do with his alcoholism. I'm assuming they're using this almost as a metaphor, relating that you shouldn't kill yourself by drinking yourself to death or drink yourself into a freak accident that causes you a sad and unnecessary death. Just a thought.

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