Lyric discussion by KangNKodos 

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

"Utopia" means "nowhere." Code for an unattainable, maybe impossible, paradise. The paradise described in the original was solely rational, and dispassionate. Orwell (and others) have carried this notion out to its logical, and possibly horrifying, extreme, but Alanis goes the other way: Hers would "be propelled by passion" and is the world dreamed of and worked for by the Youth Revolt of the '60s. A functional family, community, species and biosphere; humanity conscious of the cosmos. A post-Cold War, post-superpower world may truly be within reach, but without the passion of the heirs of that Youth Revolt ~~ say, the 99% of Occupy ~~ her dream of a world where "we'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe" can never be achieved. Sounds like Alanis is, perhaps cautiously ~~ but realistically, hopeful and optimistic about a future whose "end" is "in sight,"

My Interpretation