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Utopia Lyrics

We'd gather around all in a room
Fasten our belts
Engage in dialogue
We'd all slow down
Rest without guilt
Not lie without fear
Disagree sans jugement

We would stay and respond and expand and include and allow and forgive and enjoy and evolve and discern and inquire and accept and admit and divulge and
open and reach out and speak up

This is utopia, this is my utopia
This is my ideal, my end in sight
Utopia, this is my utopia
This is my nirvana
My ultimate

We'd open our arms
We'd all jump in
We'd all coast down into safety nets

We would share and listen and support and welcome be propelled by passion not invest in outcomes
We would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference
be gentle and make room for every emotion

Repeat chorus

We'd provide forums
We'd all speak out
We'd all be heard
We'd all feel seen

We'd rise post-obstacle more defined more grateful
We would heal be humbled and be unstoppable
We'd hold close and let go and know when to do which
We'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe

Repeat chorus
Song Info
Submitted by
lamia On Dec 07, 2001
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10 Meanings

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Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

To me - it's obvious. But that's 'cause of who I am... anyone ever been to a 12-Step meeting of any kind? Any one, doesn't matter... This is exactly what happens at a 12-Step meeting - word for word. As much as her music has patterned me since my early 20's in a way that's so accurate it's almost scary, this song stopped me in my tracks and made me sit down breathless. It's genius, of course. :)

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

it's a gorgeous song. and the lyrics are beautifully written. alanis is a goddess

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

I love this song, it sounds beautiful and means something to me. Alanis is definately a goddess!!

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

This song is great, it reminds me of the converstaions you have with some one you really care about.

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

fantastic song. I haven't taken the time to really think about it and all that it means...but I think it's terrific, regardless.

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

The more I get to listen to the song, the more it effects me...significant song

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

this is really off the point-dont stone me!!!!!- but when i first heard this i thought about this one time i couldnt sleep so i watched tv.... wel the supermodel miss N Cambel was asked if the world could ever be an Utopia, she replied: "no, i dont think we'd have enough food!" LOL!!!

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

I'm not keen on the medieval lyre-esque guitar and nymph-like wailing sound of this song but the lyrics are great. i love the string of verbs beginning Stay and Respond and then Share and Listen. She doesn't have to finish the ideas, you get the idea from the verb

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

It's funny, but this song reminds of Hugo's, "Les Miserables". In the novel there was a group of university students who would often meet in the cafe to share their beliefs and dreams of creating a better world: free from tyranny and distress-and obviously they called it, Utopia. But in their meetings they talked of everything; everything with politics, history, books, gods, love, life, and death-supporting and disagreeing with one another-all young and all sadly unaware of where their dreams and passionate ideals may take them: "We'd open our arms, we'd all jump in."

Cover art for Utopia lyrics by Alanis Morissette

"Utopia" means "nowhere." Code for an unattainable, maybe impossible, paradise. The paradise described in the original was solely rational, and dispassionate. Orwell (and others) have carried this notion out to its logical, and possibly horrifying, extreme, but Alanis goes the other way: Hers would "be propelled by passion" and is the world dreamed of and worked for by the Youth Revolt of the '60s. A functional family, community, species and biosphere; humanity conscious of the cosmos. A post-Cold War, post-superpower world may truly be within reach, but without the passion of the heirs of that Youth Revolt ~~ say, the 99% of Occupy ~~ her dream of a world where "we'd release and disarm and stand up and feel safe" can never be achieved. Sounds like Alanis is, perhaps cautiously ~~ but realistically, hopeful and optimistic about a future whose "end" is "in sight,"

My Interpretation