Lyric discussion by minty33 

i see this song two ways. one is that its a passive aggressive song about censorship the second and more likely given tools other songs is that it is talking about how we are molded to avoid our "shadow selves" (see carl jung). As children we are taught and society reinforces certain taboos and beliefs. even joking about these taboos is considered odd behavior and forces that side of us into the shadowich . facing and accepting these thoughts and feelings as part of us is key to growth. he is being himself and saying he is not going to do what society says because just because its taboo. he instead embraces that side and shows some passive agressivness by saying something offensive. the irony i think is he is just kidding and hes not being sarcastic. the point is to show others that being uncomfortable about just the words not the intent is ridiculous. for example i could say i don't like so and so and in my heart want to kill them but thats socially acceptable to actually not like someone or even hate someone but oddly enough people are more put off by a joke or humor that is in "bad taste".

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