Lyric discussion by ultra1indigo 

For christ sake, I just wrote two comments trying to express the same thing but they both came out deleted because of technical difficults. I actually think it is feminist, but it's not based on politics but just personal stance. i think the bit about not bending over to curtsy is kind of meant to be universally heard on some level as being empowerment to women as a whole, not falling into these size zero dreams, creating body image and also judgement of other girls for this becomes a mass view not only of them as an individual but of all women and even with the reference to magazines etc i think that's more of an ironic jibe about taking personal responsibility as we are all exposed to the same thing really but we don't all pertain this idea that our actions don't matter as it has become the norm where clearly if they are damaging they do. i think marina as a singer, individul and artist is actually saying women need to stop this battle with women, because it's really a battle with themself. if i get over my insecurities and some woman then tries to put them back on me then it won't touch me because i'm over that but it really just perpetuates their own insecurities. I don't think it's supposed to get too serious into anything but in her song 'oh no' which is a personal favourite she says 'don't do friends', maybe this explains the not being able to relate to girls side and it's not to say all girls are like that but i think she is literally just saying that she won't let it affect her if she can help it and the fact that it is called girls and not women i think it is portraying the women who never grew out of the bitching stage and these women unfortunately do exist and if you come into contact with them it can be social suicide because we pathetically still have this hearsay dynamic where those who are popular will take heed and i think it's a fair point. maybe if we focused on our relationship with women and the woman inside every one of us we could relate and if that's never gunna happen just accept that wave length ain't gunna get you these sorts of friends which is cool because i've had them and they suck and they should be the ones listening to this. as far as marina herself goes she isn't singing about how great this mentality is so i'd stay she isn't one of the girls she's describing as they are the ones who can't see this shit about how hating, not even hating, but jealousy, envy, being threatened, scheming with people just isn't gunna get you anywhere and leave you more messed up and alone and she won't fall for it. also i don't even think it's about gender as guys can be like this too, i think we need to stop being so introspective after that hideously long ESSAY and just accept it's a catchy alternative pop song which is just saying had enough of this shit, that's it!

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