Lyric discussion by Cascademania 

It's about getting head! She's got her head down tight. She's a talented girl. Wake up. Haven't you ever gotten blown?

Obviously, he hasn't......

@Cascademania As others have noticed, it's about a multi-talented girl, not just bjs. "She's got her head down tight" is just a (rather awkward and reaching) way to tie in the song title to the other references about bj. To any non-virgin half familiar with common English sexual discourse, the phrase "She's tight" is about anatomical elasticity of a body part that's in no way involved with getting head.

@Cascademania yes is may be about a determined girl but in the video when he says "she\'s got her head down tight" the singer points to his head and drops his head down out of the camera view as if he\'s going down on someone. So yes it may also reference a woman that\'s determined it is literally referencing a woman that\'s going down on him.

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