Lyric discussion by SugarInMyBowlMmmmmm 

Cover art for Cream lyrics by Prince

"Filthy cute" is a compliment; I love the line in the song. She makes the rules (about sex) and then breaks them, so I'm guessing he likes that she adds excitement to their activities. It's such a sexy song. Even the title (Cream) adds to the allure...even though it's about his bodily fluid, it comes across sounding like something sweet and delicious. (Perhaps "comes" was a poor choice of wording:) Anyway, it's a GREAT song.

@SugarInMyBowlMmmmmm It is not a sex song, but a reminder to Prince that he is at the top of his field and that now is the time to keep it going to stay on top. Prince himself actually said that he wrote this song while he was looking in the mirror.