Lyric discussion by roland 

wondering what the disease is? alcoholism?

Where can I go to buy or listen to this song? I remember listening to it years ago in my dorm room in college, but lost the CD it was on. I think the version I remember was longer and may have had some reference to a house being flooded. I would be unspeakably grateful if anyone could help me out!

Withdrawal from alcoholism can make your hands shake. And, I've heard moonshine can make you go blind. I can see how it could be about a man or woman in a residential rehab program trying to "kick" alcohol so he can get back to his wife and kids.

This song is about Woody Guthrie. He suffered from a nerve disease called huntington's chorea. The song is about his true love Margery. The song appears on the Fall Album, available on itunes.

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