Lyric discussion by LinDiego 

This love song can be religious or secular. I think of 9-11, with the planes overhead, and the letters falling from the sky (all that paper). And all the fears we humans can have, for good reason. Think of all the natural disasters that happen on this planet: earthquakes, tornadoes, avalanches, landslides, floods, fires, tsunamis. Sometimes it feels like the world could just break apart. But even with those material things breaking apart, as huge as they are and as devastating, true love remains strong. Love survives. It is immaterial. We can't touch it but we know it's there. We can explain love by religion, or some people are OK not understanding why love survives. Hope feeds people regardless of religious beliefs. We dream of being united with someone we love. We have hopes and we have fears. Think of the letters sent in bottles in the ocean. The Word makes things real. We know the words of this song are pure poetry. They make us think and feel from our own perspective in life. There is no one right answer or interpretation. That is what great art is supposed to do for us.

@LinDiego love that uplifting interpretation of the song. It makes me feel a little better!

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