Lyric discussion by dergrimnebulin 

Cover art for Dance Hall Days lyrics by Wang Chung

This song seems like it's about my favorite book of all time, Lolita by Vladimir Nabakov. It's a book about a man who enters into a horrible and hypnotizing relationship with a 12 year old girl. It's the most mesmerizing prose I've ever read. However, all the lyrics seem to point to this. Humbert loves her childish nature, hence the hand stand. He mentions her "monkey feet" numerous times. The "pull her close and there there there" line matches up with Humbert using her sorrow at her mother's death to comfort/seduce little Lolita. In order to keep Lolita from running away or talking to someone on their endless road trip across America, Humbert Humbert "plays upon her darkest fears". I could go a bit deeper, but I think I made my point.

Song Meaning

@dergrimnebulin I was wondering if someone was going to mention "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabakov.

"Dance Hall Days" isn't the only 1980s song that is based on "Lolita". The Police's "Don't Stand So Close To Me" is the other one.

"True" by Spandau Ballet also has allusions to Lolita. Maybe UK kids read Lolita in secondary school in the 70s and then became songwriters in the 80s.

@dergrimnebulin Yes, exactly. It's also worth noting that the working title of the song was Dolores Haze, the title character's given name.