Lyric discussion by Hungryforalynchin 

Yea thats the point.Radiohead are Oxford boys,upper crust, they've had a privaleged vantage point to oversee whats been coming for at least a decade or more. I mean, where else do you think the paranoid, apoclayptic vibe of their stuff comes from?

Has anyone ever seen 'Meeting People is Easy'? The band film where it shows them uncomfortably dealing with new found fame?

As i remember, theres a very brief snippet where frustrated THom is sitting down trying to explain economics to an uninterested interviewer. He's basically laying out our current predicament to a T and yet at the time it was taken as just more adorable eccentricty from an overly cerebral rock band (this had to be '97, '98).

Seeing that part of movie really makes something like Kid A make more sense. Radiohead miserbalism has never been a pose, more like a cause

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