Lyric discussion by ILUVLAYNE 

Cover art for Frogs lyrics by Alice in Chains

I think this song is about someone being sociable and popular when they're young but then distancing themselves from people as they grow older because they're done wrong so many times.

"What does friend mean to you? A word so wrongfully abused" -Meaning when you are young and naive, you think a lot of people are your friends when they're not. And he says next that he is confused.

"Sounds of silence often soothe. Shapes and colors shift the mood" -It becomes more appealing to be aloof because different things you notice about people change your opinion.

"Innocence spins cold coccoon. Grow to see the pain too soon" -When you're young and innocent, you are vulnerable to coldness because you're new to things. Having lots of bad experiences will make you grow old faster because you become more vulnerable.

Well, this is how I see the song. I'm sure it could be interpreted several ways.