Lyric discussion by TRaeCH 

A song where a man unabashedly reveals himself for what little he is worth. A man who will bed women (my favourite colour is red) and then part ways with them (my favourite words are goodbye/I'll always remember to forget about you). While he admits that by his own standards he is not a "good man," he is unfazed by this reality because he finds himself in a predominantly somber, immoral world where good men (long dead soldiers) are sent to die only to be forgotten (no one remembers his war/his name). Why covet a relationship in such a world? Instead, shoo away women after you've had your way with them (scare off all the crows) and accept that in this world of sadness (it does nothing but rain here) there is no point to building a relationship (nothing will grow).

@TRaeCH Very well put...

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