Lyric discussion by LoneWulv 

Amazing song. Its meaning is very clear. A lot of people say its about drug addiction, or cutting yourself etc. the truth is.....they're all right. Its about overcoming the pain in your life, and to stop beating yourself up over it.

The music video for this song is perfect.

It shows the band, with dirt smudged over them

(symbolizing the fact that they've picked themselves up from the dirt, started to move on from some kind of struggle.)

Then you see a guy walking along an old dusty trail, only to be pursued and beaten by two similarily dressed men...after the beating, the man wakes up in a small cell. He starts to lose it, starts to really give up. Then one of the guys that beat him, comes into the cell, and gives him some water.

(Now...what a lot of you may not have noticed, is the guys that were beating him, and the guy that gave him the water, are all the same person! you can see his face when he goes to give him the water. So obviously, this symbolizes that all along, The guy was only beating himself up. Feeling sorry for himself. When he is handed the water, that symbolizes the fact that hes starting to get a grip, hes moving on from the past and ready to pick himself up. Hes done beating himself up.)

So you see, this song can relate to anyone, and everyone. I know it certainly relates to me...a lot of shit has been happening in my life, but Im not going to let it bring me down. Whenever the past starts to creep up, I turn this song on full blast. It always picks me up.

Probably the most controversial line of the song is:

"But don't turn your back on the strongest crutch you've ever had. They've always been there to break your fall"

I believe that the crutch, is refering to YOURSELF. don't turn your back on yourself. When everyone else fails, YOU are all you have left. YOU always end up the strongest in the end.

"They" could also be refering to yourself as well. In the video, there were two guys beating the other guy up. Since they are all the same person, "They've always been there to break your fall", probably means "No matter what happens, you are the only one who never goes away. In the end, you are always there to break your fall."

Thats what I believe it means.

Probably the greatest song ABR has made yet, as far as the message of the song goes.

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