Lyric discussion by NotDesperate 

Cover art for You Belong with Me lyrics by Taylor Swift

Has anyone ever thought that Taylor Swift should move on? If this guy doesn't like her, she should realize it and get with a guy who does. Don't pine away after boys who are interested in girls for shallow reasons like beauty or popularity. You want a guy who likes you for your mind, character, personality and interests, not the way you look. Taylor, and all her sympathizing fans, should get over these low-quality boys.

I can tell by your username that you don't believe in love at first sight. =) I've only heard stories about that, but do you believe in fairy tales? I dunno why you think that the guy friend is interested in her for her status in beauty and popularity but because she's nice to him but not to other people(happens a lot). But that's just me, the Taylor Swift obsessive person.

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