Lyric discussion by italiancarne 

Love it. A social commentary about how some males view females. I'm pretty sure Marina is a feminist? Someone can correct me on this if I'm wrong.

This to me, is making a comment about how a woman's role in society is to be 'soft' 'attractive' and 'well mannered'. If you are not those things, you are not perceived as a 'lady'. This all relates back to living in a patriarchal society (a society controlled by what suits heterosexual men the best). Why can't females be strong? - because it threatens a man's role in society. Males are supposed to be the physically strong ones.

"Girls are not meant to fight dirty Never look a day past thirty"

  • Females are expected to look beautiful all the time (make up anyone?) but this same pressure isn't forced upon men. Now that's a bit unfair isn't it??

"Not gonna bend over and curtsey for you"

  • This to me, is stating that she is not going to give in to society's expectations of what a female is meant to be like.

"Girls they never hear from me Because I fall asleep when they speak Of all the calories they eat All they say is "na na na na na"

  • It's important to listen to what anyone has to say, female OR male. If you lend anyone an ear, you'll find that it gets you further than being ignorant and unattentive. It's also funny how some men DO complain about women talking so much about their weight issues, when in reality, some MEN are the ones who have contributed to this same problem. If men made women feel like they didn't have to be beautiful all the time (which is a ridiculous expectation), then maybe some women wouldn't have to talk so much about their weight issues and insecurities. Regardless, if someone doesn't want to give you the time of day, to hear what you have to say, they are not worth it.

I could analyse this song forever but basically it's a message to girls out there, that you can be however you like or whoever you want. Don't let society's expectations of what it is to be a 'lady' cripple your aspirations and dreams. If you want to drive big trucks like men do, do it. If you want to be physically strong, do it. Strive to make yourself happy before you worry about making someone else happy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Marina is a genius. I've been waiting for a long time for a pop artist to come out with songs that are easy on the ears (to be more accessible for the masses) and to have meaningful messages in said songs. Alternative and more obscure artists with meaningful messages in their songs are less accessible (which is unfortunate but a reality), so I knew that only through pop music, would you be able to reach a wider audience and an audience that actually needs this type of positive influence. Because it's that same audience who are looking up to people like Paris Hilton, have a distorted perception of beauty and seem to value physical appearance more than personality. I just hope that the masses do latch onto Marina as they would with most other pop artists. The world needs this.


Nothing more to say. Well versed sir/ma'm.

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