Lyric discussion by cromeo8294 

Cover art for Ten Dead Dogs lyrics by Wild Sweet Orange

WSO is a very religiously background band...

but the third verse.. colors are always associated with emotions.. blue (feeling blue?) (emo)..yellow (who knows..maybe sickness of somekind) ...purple i have no idea.. idk what they mean exactly to him.. but im sure theyre emotions that have stormed him and left before a calm ??purple?? came in and settled things down.. and the whole world calling him just means that he thinks maybe this purple time is telling him...or showing him what he needs to do in life..all this song is about..the same thing i do everyday.. question whether what and where ur going in life is the path ur spose to go.. and if its not would god tell us.. would he change our plot or destiny.. would he come get us?... this song is very deep...

this is a very Coming Of Age song...