Lyric discussion by koichik 

Cover art for Many of Horror lyrics by Biffy Clyro

i think this is the best ballad so far in this album, you can almost imagine simon on the verge of tears screaming 'when you hit me, hit me hard'

i reckon the songs about two people who have been broken up for a while but he still thinks of her and loves her- 'i'll take a bruise, i know you're worth it.'

something had obviously gone wrong in the relationship. Sounds like she did something pretty horrible to him, 'cause when my back is turned, my bruises shine. our broken fairytale, so hard to hide' something hes not going to forget any time soon. 'when you hit me, hit me hard.'

'when we collide we come together' 'if we don't we'll always be apart' they have to fight and argue for their love to come through to each other, but she continues to misuse his trust

sittting in a wishing hole, hoping it stays dry. feet cast in solid stone, i got gilligan's eyes

i still believe it's you and me 'til the end of time.

didn't really get this bit and gilligans eyes.., maybe he wishes that they'd be together again but they both know they need each other more than anything

what do you think?

damit, i misplaced the lyrics to the description..

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Gilligan's eyes could mean this famous magic trick where there is a note in a bottle and you can predict what is written on it. So, could it be that the boy can foresee what's happening in that relationship, but can't accept it?

Just thinking...


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Gilligan is his son

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