28 Meanings
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Many of Horror Lyrics

you say, "i love you boy."
but i know you lie.
i trust you all the same.
i don't know why.

'cause when my back is turned,
my bruises shine.
our broken fairytale,
so hard to hide

i still believe
it's you and me 'til the end of time.
when we collide we come together,
if we don't we'll always be apart
i'll take a bruise, i know you're worth it
when you hit me, hit me hard.

sittting in a wishing hole,
hoping it stays dry.
feet cast in solid stone,
i got gilligan's eyes

i still believe
it's you and me 'til the end of time.

when we collide we come together,
if we don't we'll always be apart.
i'll take a bruise, i know you're worth it.
when you hit me, hit me hard.

------ (dunno this)

many of horror
our future's for? (or this)

i still believe,
it's you and me 'til the end of time

when we collide we come together
if we don't we'll always be apart
i'll take a bruise, i know you're worth it
when you hit me, hit me hard.
28 Meanings
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Love this song :). Dunno whether it's just coz I'm a scientist, but I reckon that the chorus uses a chemical reaction as a metaphor for a relationship:

"When we collide we come together; If we don't we'll always be apart; I'll take a bruise, I know you're worth it, So when you hit me, hit me hard."

In chemical reactions, the different atoms/molecules have to collide with enough force in order for the reaction to take place. So I guess he believes that the relationship is worth all the pain that comes with it, which he feels is inevitable, perhaps even necessary. & when he says "when you hit me, hit me hard", it's almost as if he's saying, 'Bring it on! Give me your best shot!' He's committed to staying in the relationship no matter how painful it gets.

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i think this is the best ballad so far in this album, you can almost imagine simon on the verge of tears screaming 'when you hit me, hit me hard'

i reckon the songs about two people who have been broken up for a while but he still thinks of her and loves her- 'i'll take a bruise, i know you're worth it.'

something had obviously gone wrong in the relationship. Sounds like she did something pretty horrible to him, 'cause when my back is turned, my bruises shine. our broken fairytale, so hard to hide' something hes not going to forget any time soon. 'when you hit me, hit me hard.'

'when we collide we come together' 'if we don't we'll always be apart' they have to fight and argue for their love to come through to each other, but she continues to misuse his trust

sittting in a wishing hole, hoping it stays dry. feet cast in solid stone, i got gilligan's eyes

i still believe it's you and me 'til the end of time.

didn't really get this bit and gilligans eyes.., maybe he wishes that they'd be together again but they both know they need each other more than anything

what do you think?

damit, i misplaced the lyrics to the description..

Gilligan's eyes could mean this famous magic trick where there is a note in a bottle and you can predict what is written on it. So, could it be that the boy can foresee what's happening in that relationship, but can't accept it?

Just thinking...


Gilligan is his son

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I absolutely love this song. It's epic.

I think it's about a couple who haven't actually broken up yet, but they have quite a few problems in their relationship. She always knocked him back or maybe she does things which hurts him, but ultimately he wants the relationship to work. And because he is so in love with her he's willing to take all the bad times because he thinks they are meant to be.

He knows that there are obvious flaws in the relationship ("our broken fairytale, so hard to hide") but he wants everything to be okay because he's willing to try and ignore all the bad parts.

"When we collide we come together" - I can really relate to that lyric and I think a lot of people in relationships will too. Basically, when you argue with someone you love, once everything has settled down again you feel closer to eachother because you've just wasted time arguing. It's like the calm after the storm. He's basically saying that everytime they argue, they always work through it, and if they didn't, then the relationship would end "if we don't we'll always be apart".

My Interpretation
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"cause you said love had let us go against what our future is for many of horror" Makes a little more sense for the unknown part? (:

as though, they were destined for other things perhaps, but love has steered them away from their separate fates and set them on a different path together. I think this song is triumphant;

you say, "i love you boy." but i know you lie. i trust you all the same. i don't know why.

-these lines sound like he cannot believe she could ever love someone like him, but he goes along with all the same; he can't believe his luck, it's sweet. OR, sometimes he does doubt her love because of their conflicts, but for the most part he convinces himself that she does love him.

'cause when my back is turned, my bruises shine. our broken fairytale, so hard to hide

-i don't think there's any doubt that this is talking about the speedbumps in the relationships; BUT, the next part:

I still believe it's you and me 'til the end of time.

Just screams about the victory of love in the relationship, that they can overcome the difficulties;

when we collide we come together, if we don't we'll always be apart i'll take a bruise, i know you're worth it when you hit me, hit me hard.

-moreso, he seems to say that if it weren't for these collisions, they would grow apart; so he tells her to hit him hard to keep this love and passion going:

sitting in a wishing hole, hoping it stays dry. feet cast in solid stone, i got gilligan's eyes

-the wishing hole could mean that he thinks this love is an illusion that could dissolve at any minute, but he wants it to continue; Gilligan's eyes could be a reference to the character from Gilligan's Island maybe? Though I don't know why... :S

I love it, it's beautiful, and assures me that love conquers all- hurt, pain, whatever life throws at any relationship; visible cracks may form, but keep your eyes on what's important and the fairytale, broken though it may be, will play itself out. They stop short of using the 'happily ever after' line, but I hope hope hope that it'll stay like this forever. [:

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feet cast in solid stone, i got gilligan's eyes

Williy Gilligan from gilligans island is described in these words: Despite his bumbling nature, Gilligan has an innate innocence of character that causes the others to forgive his mistakes.

Feet cast in solid stone: Where I think he means he is stuck in this position, that he badly wants to get out of..

I got gilligan's eye : Maybe Simon is referring to willy gilligans character, meaning he bleeds with innocence(innocent eyes), hoping she will forgive him for his mistakes...

So I think he messed up badly, and is willing to do anything to get her "back". But she has a hard time forgiving him. She's still there, even though he can sense her feelings slowly fading away.

It reminds me of my ex, I didn't spend enough time with her. I was far to busy, wile she wasn't, meaning she just waited for me all day...When I felt her feelings faded, I broke up...Cause she deserved better. But all she ever wanted was more time with me.. Something I understood after I broke up, trying to get her back was impossible, she wouldn't forgive me for braking up. I still feel guilty to this day for not prioritising better. But she's got someone new, she's happy.. So my guilt is drying up :)

So I guess why I can relate to simon on this is becuase it's horrible to want someone who doesn't feel for you, but has felt for you before...Seeing their feelings fade more and more away, because of a mistake you made.. Making you feel stuck, desperate, out of perspective, and willing to do almost anything.. Sure glad I expirienced this at the age of 22, So I know I'll never do the same mistake again!

This may or may not be his point of view, but when I hear this song I sure as hell feel like what I described!

A really sad song with powerful lyrics, and I just love the guitar on this!!

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I felt this song was about domestic abuse, sounded as though he was in a troublesome relationship and was getting beat, but was willing take the beating for the sake of their relationship.. a relAtionship many of horror!

My Interpretation
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I think this is what it should be...

"Cause you said love has let us go again. Guess what our future is for... Many of horror.

Our future is for many of horror"

My Interpretation

guys i don't think it's anything to do with relationships,, its all about Domestic Abuse, being "hit hard". He's in a "wishing well", wishing he'll get out, he can't escape. When he says "i'll take a bruise i know your worth it". "Feet cast in solid stone", suggesting he can't escape, he's stuck inside, being beaten. His "bruises shine". Pretty dark song, great one though.

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I think this song is about two people that broke up but still really love each other, and maybe she doesn't want to get back into the relationship because she thinks the same thing that broke them up will happen again, but he's saying he'll do anything to make it work "i'll take a bruise I know you're worth it"

it isn't but that's exactly what it means to me.

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On the itunes Track by track video simon says "the whole recored is kind off a bit about my whole relationship with my wife and family and this song opitimimises that more than any other..."

So yeah i guess its about a relationship on a general level then...

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Yeah Toddy is right. I just heard on the radio today that this song was about his wife and their relationship and about how he's on tour a lot and stuff.

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