Lyric discussion by CheshireKat24 

This song makes me think of a person whose loved one is away at war, mainly because of the line "one of these days letters are gonna fall from the sky, telling us all to go free". It's not uncommon for the U.S. military to dump mass quantities of leaflets in areas that are going to be bombed, so that innocent civilians can escape before the attack. Also, after the invasion of Iraq and subsequent fall of Saddam Hussein, the U.S. military dropped leaflets in Arabic telling the people that they were free from dictatorship... hence "telling us all to go free."

Also, the line "one of these days the mountains are gonna fall into the sea" puts it in an almost religious context for me, because of Psalm 46:2 - "Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."

Regardless of what it means, it's a beautiful, powerful song that I can listen to on repeat for hours!

This is actually how I listen to this husband is in Afghanistan right now and I heard this and thought "That's it!"

I see the religious aspect too, which makes me love it even more

@CheshireKat24 Spot-on. I was actually here wondering if anyone caught the hidden PSYOP meaning. And you did. Brilliant.

@CheshireKat24 this song has powerful lyrics but you feel how compelling it is, how meaningful it is by the vocals, the harmony and melody. They all come together for an amazing song!

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