Lyric discussion by PierceTheGates 

Cover art for BURN A CHURCH lyrics by NO-CASH

To Achmode or anymore of your religious fellows who feel the need to speak your mind on a lyrics site, because in person you know you'll get the simple phrase "fuck off"

I would first like to ask how you came across No-Cash, they have a strong underground following, but for the most part are extremely unheard of. And since you seem to be a church going fellow, you wouldn't be into the similar fans nor should you have the need to look up bands that oppose your beliefs. I know I don't find myself going onto your "christcore" bands and talking shit on there about how you are all mindless retards, who are unable to think for themselves. But see that is the difference with you and I, you're beliefs tells you to preach bullshit while mine says to let people choose. Thus, making you a fucking douche bag. So to achmode i say fuck you