Lyric discussion by FutileAssayer 

Cover art for The Last Night lyrics by Skillet

This song was something I found quite by accident but its definitely one of the best accidents ever. What is absolutely incredible about songs like this and Flyleaf's and other amazing bands' is that they may be Christian but you can interpret it however you want. I don't put much of my faith in God, but this song still touches me. That someone would care enough to ask someone to believe in them to change them, help them, to 'be their reason why'.

Its really a remarkable song. So rarely has a song brought tears to my eyes when I but hear it playing in my head. And I'm not one who cries because of some sappy love song, it takes a fcking lot but this song, along with Much Like Falling by Flyleaf are more than sufficient.

I really love how it perfectly balances the softness and empathy of the piano's soulfully melodic notes and the gentle aggression of the singer's passionate lyrics, rather genuine attempt to help her. Belief can only but resound and her desperation and his comforting words make this one of the songs that so rarely manages to capture one's attention not just because of the marvel of a sound created but also the depth of the issue at hand.

Its beautiful.

Sometimes when I hear it, I wish I had someone to really console me like this. The lines 'I won't let you say goodbye, I'll be your reason why.' make me cry, even when I sing it in my head, because there is this devotion, this hope filled assurance of recovery, this realistic aspect of an optimistic effort that makes it impossible to not believe. Even if it is only to scoff at the thought a minute later, while aching to hear it, believe in it, albeit secretly, again.

Its refreshing to see how the issue has been appropriately described. I especially love 'I'm so sick of when they say It's just a phase, you'll be okay you're fine' because its ridiculous for someone, who doesnt know anything about your problems to say that you'll just grow out of it or you just want attention. Only to repent when they realize the magnitude of their loss. If we just treated everyone with the respect of someone who needed help, and there is nothing wrong with that, then maybe people would come out and suicide, depression, self injury, and everything else that needlessly exists, wouldn't.

D'Arvit, I'm just a kid but really, I'm just saying that I've had my share of experiences, literally, in this field, and I feel songs like this are definitely what should be reigning the industry instead of ridiculous ones about irrelevent and idiotic things like checking out some girl or 'cranking dat soulja boy'. Honest.

And I love the 'almost whisper' at the end of the song, its almost trance-like and hypnotic.

My Interpretation