106 Meanings
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The Last Night Lyrics

You come to me with scars on your wrist
You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this
I just came to say goodbye
I didn't want you to see me cry, I'm fine
But I know it's a lie.

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be.
The last night you'll spend alone,
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go,
I'm everything you need me to be.

Your parents say everything is your fault
But they don't know you like I know you they don't know you at all
I'm so sick of when they say
It's just a phase, you'll be o.k. you're fine
But I know it's a lie.

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be.
The last night you'll spend alone,
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go,
I'm everything you need me to be.

The last night away from me

The night is so long when everything's wrong
If you give me your hand I will help you hold on

This is the last night you'll spend alone
Look me in the eyes so I know you know
I'm everywhere you want me to be.
The last night you'll spend alone,
I'll wrap you in my arms and I won't let go,
I'm everything you need me to be.

I won't let you say goodbye,
I'll be your reason why.

The last night away from me,
Away from me.
Song Info
Submitted by
gal.1.5 On Oct 03, 2007
106 Meanings
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I agree with "Breathe Me" this is a great song. I believe this song is either about a young woman who has either been a cutter or has attempted suicide. Her parents don't understand the pain she is going through, and are in denial that anything is really wrong. Maybe they really don't take her serious. But there is Someone who knows her more than anyone. I believe the friend is Jesus. He is there getting her through the hard, dark, painful hours. I've been there and know that Jesus can be there for you when you feel like giving up. He's the only One who will stick with you through the dark night. It is a great song.

you are right about the fact that the person is a cutter and has attempted suicide. her parents blame everything on her and she believes it is her fault. john is God and he tells the girl that she shouldn't feel alone because he is there. I saw them in concert and this is what John said about the song before. This is a great song by the way.

I think youre perfectly right. I know what it's like to be in that situation. Having only one friend there to help me through- I relate to this song. I've attempted it myself and i'm a cutter. If I didn't have my best friend I wouldn't be here. This song has so much meaning. As do the rest of skillets songs.

I agree with you. I have serval times tried to commite suicde a lot. I never really think that people care for me and that know one would even notes if i was gone. I was also and still some what of a cutter still. My dad and my step mom told me that i needed to cut and they gave me a knife to cut with. This song i love because i am in the place exsept people dont really come and rape me you in they arms. I just love this song. If you wont to refly my...

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I'm surprised that I'm the first to comment! this is a great song and I think it's about him saying that he'll never let her have alonely night and feel alone and cut-off from the world and that he'll be there for her whenever he needs her. Like I said before, GREAT SONG! I LOVE IT!

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Yeah, John mentioned at the last show that when he sings it represents God and Korey represents a teen.

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I heard this band for the first time last night opening for Flyleaf. They were amazing!

Anyway, before they played this song he was talking about it. I don't remember all of what he said but I remember he was saying that like it's about a girl who was in a lot of pain and thought about killing herself. He also said that she would cut herself with a razor and didn't see any point in life but found her faith back in God and it saved her. Then I remember he said this word for word "and that girl is on stage with us tonight."

I did some research and I'm almost posative he's talking about Korey.

Woo that really hit me hard when he said that. Especially when he was saying how she would cut herself. I was like wow. That sounds like my story. I used to cut myself and wasn't seeing any point in life at one point (more like a 2 year point.) Then when I started listening to Flyleaf, and hearing about Lacey's story. I started trusting in God again, and now I'm recovered.

I just love bands like this, whith something good and hopeful to say.

anyway just felt like sharing.

If you read this whole thing, that u haha :)

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I had to LOG IN to respond to this. I mean, seriously guys... one of u is saying that it is open for interpretation but he is also saying that christians shouldnt shove their believes down anybodys throat? isn't the christian interpretation also allowed? I mean this lyric might mean so many things to different things. It obviously is about a female person struggling with her depressions and inner inconfidence, parental issues etc. And the singer might be God, might be a random friend, bystander, relative, what ever u want it to be!! Thats the great deal about music! U can relate to it with your personal beliefs, experiences, knowledge, whatever pops in ur head! stop arguing what it is not about, and rather tell us what it means to you! I'm sick of reading these comments from people saying they are all for open mindedness, but whenever religious views comes into the picture, they go head over heels to shut it down, because they are showing it down someones throat...

Having said that, I get so many feelings when I see these lyrics. It might be God, it might be about your own comfort zone, it might be about all the shit u experience in your life catching up to you making you feel that you need something greater than yourself to believe in and to hold on to, it might be about this really troubled person denying his or hers problems, but the person outside looking in sees through it so easily.

Great song... btw i loved the first comment. almost shed a tear when i read it:)

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This song was something I found quite by accident but its definitely one of the best accidents ever. What is absolutely incredible about songs like this and Flyleaf's and other amazing bands' is that they may be Christian but you can interpret it however you want. I don't put much of my faith in God, but this song still touches me. That someone would care enough to ask someone to believe in them to change them, help them, to 'be their reason why'.

Its really a remarkable song. So rarely has a song brought tears to my eyes when I but hear it playing in my head. And I'm not one who cries because of some sappy love song, it takes a fcking lot but this song, along with Much Like Falling by Flyleaf are more than sufficient.

I really love how it perfectly balances the softness and empathy of the piano's soulfully melodic notes and the gentle aggression of the singer's passionate lyrics, rather genuine attempt to help her. Belief can only but resound and her desperation and his comforting words make this one of the songs that so rarely manages to capture one's attention not just because of the marvel of a sound created but also the depth of the issue at hand.

Its beautiful.

Sometimes when I hear it, I wish I had someone to really console me like this. The lines 'I won't let you say goodbye, I'll be your reason why.' make me cry, even when I sing it in my head, because there is this devotion, this hope filled assurance of recovery, this realistic aspect of an optimistic effort that makes it impossible to not believe. Even if it is only to scoff at the thought a minute later, while aching to hear it, believe in it, albeit secretly, again.

Its refreshing to see how the issue has been appropriately described. I especially love 'I'm so sick of when they say It's just a phase, you'll be okay you're fine' because its ridiculous for someone, who doesnt know anything about your problems to say that you'll just grow out of it or you just want attention. Only to repent when they realize the magnitude of their loss. If we just treated everyone with the respect of someone who needed help, and there is nothing wrong with that, then maybe people would come out and suicide, depression, self injury, and everything else that needlessly exists, wouldn't.

D'Arvit, I'm just a kid but really, I'm just saying that I've had my share of experiences, literally, in this field, and I feel songs like this are definitely what should be reigning the industry instead of ridiculous ones about irrelevent and idiotic things like checking out some girl or 'cranking dat soulja boy'. Honest.

And I love the 'almost whisper' at the end of the song, its almost trance-like and hypnotic.

My Interpretation
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This is probably one of Skillet's more depressing songs. When I hear this song, I see a girl coming to tell their best friend/boyfriend hinting at suicide.

You come to me with scars on your wrists, You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this. I just came to say goodbye. I didn't want you to see me cry, I'm fine. But I know it's a lie.

He sees her and the results of her depression (scars from cutting) and she tells him that she doesn't feel like trying anymore. She still tries to hide it, though, which suggests that she's takling to someone very close such as a boyfriend. But he sees where she's going with it and worries.

This is the last night you'll spend alone. Look me in the eye so I know you know, I'm everywhere you want me to be. This is the last night you'll spend alone. I'll hold you in my arms and I won't let go. I'm everything you need me to be.

To sum it up, he's saying that whatever she's going through, he plans to do all he can to help her sort it out, and he want's her to know he means it by looking directly at him as he tells her.

You're parents say everything is you're fault, But they don't know you like I know you. They don't know you at all. I'm so sick of when they say, I't s just a phase. You'll be okay, You're fine.

This shows her parents don;'t care enought to find out what's going on. They assume she's bringing it on herself or it's just a phase they all go through and to jsut get over it. She's tired of hearing it and holding it inside.

The night is so long when everythings wrong. You give me your hand. I will help you hold on.

He's saying he knows what it's like to feel alone in the world when time seems to drag on forever. But he's trying to show her there are better solutions than suicide and he wants to show her.

I won't let you say goodbye. I'll be your reason why.

He's not going to let her slip away from life. He wants it to when she looks back on the situation, she'll see him as the one that kept her going.

Song Meaning
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i like to dumb things down so yeah... its just easier for me and probaly for most people to XP this is obviousaly a reltionship kind of song maybe in the emo romance genre i dont know but this is my opinon/interperation and instead of saying he/she or him/her im just going to say he/him because i mean the lead singer is a male so it would make sense..so here i go XD

you come to me with scars on your wrist (literal) you tell me this will be the last night feeling like this( what they mean by feeling like this i guess suicidal or lonely...maybe they want attention) i just came to say goodbye didnt want you to see me cry im fine (maybe she [yes a girl is singing now] is going to commit suicide or is leaving her loved one and she didnt want him to worry about her) but i know its a lie (literal)

this is the last night youll spend alone(literal) look me in the eyes so i know you that im everywhere you want me to be(literal) the last night youll spend alone(literal) ill wrap you in my arms and i wont let go(literal) im everything you want me to be(hell change for her)

your parents say everything is your fault but they dont know you like i know you they dont know you at all (her parents are mad at her for everything she might be bad or something and she tells more things to her boyfriend or freind than she tells her parents so her parents dont know the real her) im so sick of when they say "its just a phase youll be okay your fine" (literal) but i know its a lie (literal)

(see top for the chorus)

the night is so long when everythings wrong (it feels like the night is dragging on and its longer than it normally feels like because i guess theyre both talking about each others problems which is affecting theyre realtionship) if you give me your hand i will help you hold on(metaphor) tonight X2 (tonight is the last night and so on so forth with the chorus)

i wont let you say goodbye and ill be your reason why (what they mean by say goodbye mabe by suicidal or by breaking up with him and hell be her reason why) the last night away from me away from me (literal)

we all have our opinons/interperation so dont hate


My Interpretation
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To me this isnt one about god. to me this is an oath to never abandon someone. one of my friends was just like the girl in the song. but i showed her this song and i swore to her i would never abandon her, that i would always stay by her side. I know skillet is a christian band. I'm an atheist, but i can still listen to and identify with their songs. it one thing i love about skillet. They are a christian band who a) knows how to rock and b) dont try to push anything onto you. this is definitely one of their deeper songs compared to whispers in the dark or monster. but its one i identify with heart and soul. not many christian bands can do that for an atheist. but skillet does it. and i love that. this is my absolute favorite song by skillet.

These are just my thoughts. im not saying "this is the way it is and you cant persuade me otherwise.": if you see it differently, then thats the beauty of words. you can write avout one thing and someone can hear it or read it, and they could see it as something completely different.

in an iterview i believe john said he represented God and korey was the teen

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I'm surprised that I'm the first to comment! this is a great song and I think it's about him saying that he'll never let her have alonely night and feel alone and cut-off from the world and that he'll be there for her whenever he needs her. Like I said before, GREAT SONG! I LOVE IT!

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