Lyric discussion by Flame81194 

Cover art for Watch me bleed lyrics by Scary Kids Scaring Kids

I think this song is about a relationship that singer had. When he says: "I gave you everything to die with a smile. All u wanted was to live for a while." I think he means that he wanted a serious relationship. As in, he wanted to be with her untill they died. He have her everything so they could be together untill one of them died, but she didn't want things to get serious. She just wanted the relationship to last for a little while. Have some fun together, but nothing more. That could be completly wrong, but who knows?

Also, I think the line "As your walking away, your footsteps get louder." Means that the less she talks to him the more he wants her, or when she breaks up with him it makes him only want her more. I'm sure 90% of us can relate to that.

Maybe the line "You watch me bleed." Means that she see his hurting, but she does nothing about it. She dosn't care about him or his feelings.

Anyone else have a better idea?

Song Meaning