Watch me bleed Lyrics

This silence keeps it easy, keeps you safe for the moment.
As you're walking away, your footsteps get louder.
All you needed was time, but now time will destroy us.

It will all be over and here we are
We’re stuck inside this salted earth together.
You pierce my lungs, my limbs go numb.
As my colors fade out
you watch me bleed.
You watch me bleed.

I gave you everything to die with a smile.
All you wanted was to live for a while.
You took everything but it left you empty.
You cant replace me, you cant.

It's almost over and here we are
We're stuck inside salted earth together
You pierce my lungs, my limbs go numb
As my colors fade out
you watch me bleed.
You watch me bleed.

It all be over, and here we are.
We’ll die inside this salted earth together
You pierce my lungs, my limbs go numb.
As my colors fade out you watch me bleed.
You watch me bleed.
You watch me bleed.
You watch me bleed.
Watch me bleed..
28 Meanings
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By far my favorite song on the entire album. Love it to pieces.

Now, in my opinion, it's about someone dying metaphorically. He isn't actually dying, he's just describing what he's feeling. It's like he's committed everything to someone and they only let him down. And now he's realizing that it all went to waste and they just watched as he fell apart, not caring in the least. Basically, they killed him.

Not to say this is about a relationship between two lovers, it could be about family issues too. It's almost like now that he's as good as dead to them, he's leaving...

Maybe I over-analyzed, but that's how I feel about this song and that's why I love it.

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I think this song is about a relationship that singer had. When he says: "I gave you everything to die with a smile. All u wanted was to live for a while." I think he means that he wanted a serious relationship. As in, he wanted to be with her untill they died. He have her everything so they could be together untill one of them died, but she didn't want things to get serious. She just wanted the relationship to last for a little while. Have some fun together, but nothing more. That could be completly wrong, but who knows?

Also, I think the line "As your walking away, your footsteps get louder." Means that the less she talks to him the more he wants her, or when she breaks up with him it makes him only want her more. I'm sure 90% of us can relate to that.

Maybe the line "You watch me bleed." Means that she see his hurting, but she does nothing about it. She dosn't care about him or his feelings.

Anyone else have a better idea?

Song Meaning
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I think this song is about someone watching someone else die, and the "watch me bleed" is maybe the person who is dying is seeing the other person die on the inside? i don't know, but thats the feeling I get.

or maybe it could be about a relationship but more like a friends with benefits type thing. and he wanted more but she just wanted sex.

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I think it's something significant that happened with the singer, I think it was a breakup between someone he really loved.
Obviously they hurt him a lot because of the lyrics "you pierce my lungs my limbs go numb, as my colors fade out you watch me bleed," I think the person got over him and left him broken hearted because anyone who loved someone would never just sit and watch them bleed.

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I think this song is about someone dying in front of you, and when the singer realsies that he kills him self right there in front of her. All Romeo And Juliet esk.

Song Meaning
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Songs about how I feel right now.

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I love this song so much, omg..

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its we'll die inside this "salted" earth together.

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Yep, "salted earth" is the correct lyrics.

This song is so sad... amazing.

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This song is really deep and in my opinion, it really means something to the singer and hits some nerves. For example in the second verse on the two lines "I gave you everything to die with a smile, all you wanted was to live for a while." His voice starts breaking up, It obviously has some significant meaning about someone close to him.

Great song overall to be honest

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