Lyric discussion by xdarkinsidex 

Cover art for Firestorm lyrics by Earth Crisis

Isn't it funny how people talk down on stuff they don't understand fully? Especially with how it makes them look as a person, lol

Anyway, great song, great band.

They way I see it (and like everyone else here there is a good chance I'm wrong with the way it was intended), the song is pointing out the corruptions of society and how people just keep within the status quo. It is telling people to stop following blind, wake up, and start doing something about it. As OhSo pointed out, it isn't speaking only to people who are edge, and it isn't saying to go beat the shit out of everyone (which goes against the core ideology of self-improvement in the first place. Just a side note, but I'm personally annoyed with the guys that go around playing the role of a straight edge missionary. Let people decide on their own!).