Lyric discussion by organix 

Cover art for Again And Again lyrics by Keane

I heard that this is the only song on PS that is about Tom -singer- and Tim -songwriter- having issues in their friendship.

1) You don't care about me anymore, you're doing all you can so that i get the message (that you don't care and you're sick of me) 2) You're just holding yourself, you don't say what you really think/feel and i want you to, even if it hurts me. I basically want to know whats going on 3) We're talking but the words are meaningless, we're not saying what we think or feel and i can see it in your eyes that you're juste lying to me. You're lying because it's easier not to talk about the issues we're having 4) Again, we're saying things but they are lies and we both know it. If you promess me something, i'll be happy but not for long because i knooow that you don't mean it. And neither do i. 5) I try to help you the way i can but it's not enough. You're still downing in your problems. 6) See 3 7) We've built our friendship during so long and now i'm just waiting for us to become the friends we used to be. We used to say that we'd always be there for each other but fuck it's not true while i thought it was. 8) See 3