Lyric discussion by vballgurl 

Cover art for Another Place To Fall lyrics by KT Tunstall

this is what I have always thought the meaning of the song was: (talking to a friend who is always complaining/ depressed)

Are you not seeing that I am trying to help you? I'm trying to cheer you up because you are complaining. I am waiting for you to show me that you are even wanting to feel better (a smile would be nice).

Find another place to complain & another problem to gripe about. You act like you are an innocent victim of everything. Go somewhere else to complain. Are you proud to be the leader of hatred and hurting?? Do you not see that no one wants to feel unhappy like you do? The problems you had before which you moved on from now still hurt you. But do you want to try and feel better??? I don't know what else to tell you to make you feel better. I don't understand why you can never feel good. If you ask for my advice and I tell you what I think you should do you do not listen. If you want me to lift your spirits then you must be open to feeling better. When you don't look I am trying to just forget all that you have told me because I don't want to be as negative as you.