Lyric discussion by TheWalkingiPod 

Cover art for Given Up lyrics by Linkin Park

Yeah um second favorite song on the album? the first being no more sorrow

But I think this song is about someone who fucked up so much that they're just gonna kill themselves

But they can't do that so they're asking someone to do it for them

oh yeah in an interview with chester he said that the sound of this album is the sound that they've always been striving for

He said that they have always been a dark band and that they believe they finally achieved "darkness" with this album

and we all know that means emo music!

another side note:

why do people like collision course?

I listened to taht and its almost as if J-fagget-Z didn't even give LP much of a chance to do anything with their music

He fucking used his gay-ass music, sung his gay-ass lyrics, and Linkin Park only introduced their songs in each "song" for like thirty seconds each

fagget Jay-Z

@TheWalkingiPod, I don't think that youre even giving jay z a chance. actually listen to his music before calling him "gay"