Given Up Lyrics
Another day's been laid to waste
In my disgrace
Stuck in my head again
Feels like I'll never leave this place
There's no escape
I'm my own worst enemy
I've given up
I'm sick of feeling!
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating!
Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me!
Thought I was focused, but I'm scared
I'm not prepared
I hyperventilate
Looking for help somehow, somewhere
And no one cares
I'm my own worst enemy
Put me out of my misery
Put me out of my...
Put me out of my fucking misery!

Really? Does it matter what the band used to be or is now? Take the song for what it's worth.
I think it's just a big GODDAMMIT song. Like you've been in enough pain and you're sick of it and you'd rather be numb thanfeel this way and no one gives a shit that you're hurting. And you're pissed at yourself for letting yourself get this far (own worst enemy) and you've given up on feeling, hurting. No one will help you get rid of it. And the pain is literally suffocating you.
And the scream...Damn. Anger, maybe? Whatever it is... 0.o
I agree.I think its cinda emo to,but love the song.
I agree.I think its cinda emo to,but love the song.
@Xxkryptonclarkx Yeah, that scream is, like, holy shit. Chester's poor vocal chords lol
@Xxkryptonclarkx Yeah, that scream is, like, holy shit. Chester's poor vocal chords lol

I think the new album is great, the only thing missing is mike shinoda's rapping, but if you look back at Reanimation or Collision Course, even Meteora, Chester didn't have much time on the tracks. So here he comes. Besides Mike's done Fort Minor so I think he doesn't mind. This album is more about Chester, I think. But it's good, especially given up. It reminds me of One Step Closer. It's fast and and sounds very angry.

Yeah um second favorite song on the album? the first being no more sorrow
But I think this song is about someone who fucked up so much that they're just gonna kill themselves
But they can't do that so they're asking someone to do it for them
oh yeah in an interview with chester he said that the sound of this album is the sound that they've always been striving for
He said that they have always been a dark band and that they believe they finally achieved "darkness" with this album
and we all know that means emo music!
another side note:
why do people like collision course?
I listened to taht and its almost as if J-fagget-Z didn't even give LP much of a chance to do anything with their music
He fucking used his gay-ass music, sung his gay-ass lyrics, and Linkin Park only introduced their songs in each "song" for like thirty seconds each
fagget Jay-Z
@TheWalkingiPod, I don't think that youre even giving jay z a chance. actually listen to his music before calling him "gay"
@TheWalkingiPod, I don't think that youre even giving jay z a chance. actually listen to his music before calling him "gay"

Are you guys seriously waiting for another Hybrid theory or Meteora? It's been done, every song sounds allmost te same, you cannot deny that. Just give this album a chance. It's not ok for them to just keep relying on the same old formula, they need to try different things just like any other band needs to.
I completely agree Wesz0r
I completely agree Wesz0r
at first i wasn't very happy with the album but later i realized that the change was needed.
at first i wasn't very happy with the album but later i realized that the change was needed.
It sounds perfect and i really can relate to many of the songs
It sounds perfect and i really can relate to many of the songs
yeah its the excact smae thing green day did with Amrcn Idt, and american idiott is amazing, and so is there old stuff!!!!! GD FOREVER!
yeah its the excact smae thing green day did with Amrcn Idt, and american idiott is amazing, and so is there old stuff!!!!! GD FOREVER!

I don't get it. People get pissed when a band changes their sound (e.g Metallica, Slipknot, Mudvayne) but it's the same people that complain about bands sounding the same. Make up your fuckin minds. If the music sounds good then listen to it. Stop paying attention to the band itself and listen to the music for what it's meant actually listen to the music.

I think this is the best song of the CD. I have VERY mixed feelings on this album. I think it's very soft and powerful but, I think they did too many soft songs. It would have been better with more high energy songs like What I've Done, Given Up, and Bleed It Out. I think it's a nice change and I like that there is less rapping, yet they still did a couple but it's still good. I still don't really now what I think of the CD yet.

But what is the song meaning? can someone tell me that... I think I know but some of the rhymes are quite confusing some times... :/
@matrixlogon With Linkin Park, the meaning is just sort of there. The lyrics are written in a way that allows multiple interpretations. This is actually a pretty easy song for me to understand, but I totally get where your coming from. You think you know the song meaning, but you don't know for sure. Honestly, it doesn't matter, what ever the song means to you, is all that matters. For me to tell you what it means, would be dumb. But I could tell you what it means to me. Music is soooooooo beautiful, because songs can mean so many...
@matrixlogon With Linkin Park, the meaning is just sort of there. The lyrics are written in a way that allows multiple interpretations. This is actually a pretty easy song for me to understand, but I totally get where your coming from. You think you know the song meaning, but you don't know for sure. Honestly, it doesn't matter, what ever the song means to you, is all that matters. For me to tell you what it means, would be dumb. But I could tell you what it means to me. Music is soooooooo beautiful, because songs can mean so many things.
TO ME the song is about my ADHD, and Anxiety. But it could EASILY be connected to depression, or even just plain life!

I like a few of LP's new songs, alot of them are a step in the right direction for the band, but others just sound like LP is trying to force the whole new sound. I do miss all of Mike's rapping but he wrote alot of the songs on this album and he also is playing guitar now so I guess its all good.
this song is about someone who doesnt like who they are and want to change but feel like they are stuck inside of their fake self and theyve given up trying to find out what is wrong with themself

Chester said in an interview on the AOL sessions that they don't really have their own meanings to any of their songs. They feel that all their songs have a different meaning to different people which makes the songs more personal to the people. LP does not just make great music but they make great music for a great reason which really gets me about the band.

@tempflux: you are totally wrong, give them their space, this is different than their other albums, but its still them.. and its still good.. maybe its not as good, but its new.. i myself got bored of their old albums, not because they're bad, but because they're the same style, i listened to it over and over.. they needed to change, try something new.