Lyric discussion by jacattack86 

Cover art for The One You Knew lyrics by Joshua Radin

This song almost perfectly describes how I feel about/wanna say to my ex. We dated over four years,from freshman year of highschool to freshman year of college (he was two years older than I, and in the Air Force away for much of our relationship) Eventually, as I went out on my own, I had to do my own thing, find myself, the standard story, and I could not ask him to wait around for me (becuase that is unfair.) As things often turn out...things changed. I love him with all my heart, but he feels we are both too changed to be again what we were, and now we are both in new relationships. Although I still do long for his love and wish it could have turned out differently, this song to me descibes the epiphany I had - That through it all, at my core I was still the same girl he had always loved, and that i would always love him deep down. just because it ends doesnt mean love doesnt last. He may not be the one I am supposed to be with,but I will love him until the day I die.