Lyric discussion by zzyzx71988 

Cover art for BURN A CHURCH lyrics by NO-CASH

To "Achmode":

First of all, the song never claims that Jehovah's witnesses don't believe in god, you're pulling that out of your ass. Second of all, while your church may not ask you for money, others do. Even if they don't literally "ask" for it, they put pressure on you to give. When a collection plate comes around and sits on your lap, and you put nothing in, I'd imagine you'd have a lot of eyes on you. I mean, it's called a "collection" plate, not a donation plate. Shit, I've taken friends to Al-anon meetings held in church basements where they would even say standardly off a piece of paper in the beginning "if this is your first time coming, it's on us. Next time we encourage you to donate" or something along those lines and then everyone one in the room puts money in a jar. A more productive way to get money would be a jar to the side without any oral mention of trying to get money, instead they naturally expect everyone to donate. Next, in "brainwashing" I could respond to that by mentioning the fact that I've rarely seen people going to church that weren't forced to go when they were little. Churches teach the same ideas they've been teaching for centuries, based on what the bible said, rarely changing to meet that of the standards of modern times. Also, the word "free" is very very vague, you can define it in a billion different contexts.

Although I don't entirely agree with any kind of over the top "kill this burn that" kind of thinking, i guess it would kind of lose it's effect saying "sit around and quietly oppose the church". Its a pretty decent song by a really good band

As for defining the song itsself, it's very simple, it's an anti-religious song. There's no need for any discussion.