Lyric discussion by silverdove 

Cover art for Red Elephant lyrics by Sunny Day Real Estate

correction: I believe it's "the why you restarts" in the chorus and not "the way you restarts." Anyway: this song never made sense to me until recently. I get the feeling it could be about finding your current love is not real anymore, and you're drawn away by someone else. "stay around running out" is confusion of not wanting to leave the current relationship. "you climbed the wreck..." is about guilt over falling out of love. If you feel mean because you stopped loving someone else who still loves you, you might say you have a "cold diamond heart." Yet even though its cruel, its "still beating" because you are still able to love a new person, and "no one knows the reason why." I see the middle of the song as working out this confusion, until the singer finally gives up and says "the years of worry aren't my century." They're just giving into the feeling, and they're not going to worry about why or the past person that they hurt. And the title, I like to think of it as a reference to the elephant in the room, the thing that everyone ignores but is really obvious; that could be about how the whole situatio n starts: a new person who realizes you are drawn to them and they are drawn to you but you won't do anything about it because you're still in a seperate relationship at the time. So you ignore it like an elephant in the room.

hmmm...maybe the red elephant is his heart? hehe

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