11 Meanings
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Red Elephant Lyrics

Stay around
Running out
Time servant
Trip through the warm wind

My impression grows
Swayed stars part of my room
And you...

You climbed the wreck
Cold diamond heart
Still beating
And no one ever knew the reason why

Well I'd suspect
You would come to terms
With my hand
My eyes reflect your surface very well

Why'd I compromise
Swayed stars and time is slow
The way you restarts again

I'm all talk again
I'm on top of the world
The way you restarts in me too

The night a field and I'll take you there
The years of worry aren't my century

We climbed the wreck
Cold diamond heart
Still beating
And no one ever knew the reason why
Song Info
Submitted by
xpretox On Dec 02, 2001
11 Meanings
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Like nearly all of sunny day's songs....it sounds like you're drowning in a foreign country where you can only understand the meaning of every third word...yet you feel the conversation and are sucked into the beauty nevertheless....

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I believe this song is about the Republican party. Their symbol is the Red Elephant, hence the title of the song. Mainly, the song is about the normal corruption and troubles as a candidate and president.

My impression grows Swayed stars part of my room

These two lines are about a republican candidates' impression/views being exposed to the public, and how slowly it's becoming more popular. Swayed Stars symbolize the 'Swing' states in an election, not being able to choose and how the focus and attention of these states become part of the candidates' life.

You climbed the wreck Cold diamond heart Still beating And no one ever knew the reason why

These lines mean that the candidate has been through a lot already and after all this time is still alive, but has a heart focused on currency and riches more than the common good. At this time, the candidate has reached presidency with his impression.

Well I'd suspect You would come to terms With my hand My eyes reflect your surface very well

In these lines, the president is wondering why the members of both houses haven't come to terms with him nor each other. also, he proceeds to persuade them.

Why'd I compromise Swayed stars and time is slow The way you restarts again

By this time, the president is looking to be re-elected, but this time he must change his views or compromise to match the views the public wants to hear. The states are swayed/ deciding on what to choose once more. Time is moving slowly at this time because the process is so long. This is repeated from the first time the candidate was elected.

I'm all talk again I'm on top of the world The way you restarts in me too

The candidate is re-elected and has power once more. He spreads lies of what's to come, so he can stay popular and loved by the public. Nothing was achieved like in the last term he served.

The night a field and I'll take you there The years of worry aren't my century

This means that he realizes, that lying is okay because even if ruins the economy, he won't be there for people to blame him. It's the next person's issue.

We climbed the wreck Cold diamond heart Still beating And no one ever knew the reason why

He proceeds to make bad decisions, then ruins the economy. The public survives the extreme blow to the economy( climbing the wreck), and the candidate came out of office, and wasn't blamed at all. The new candidate was blamed. Then the retired president lives his days, still greedy and corrupt, only wanting money and fame. He watches from afar. Then the chain restarts itself.

Song Meaning
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that is possibly the best description of sunny day real estate's sound that I've ever heard...it's almost singing in a foreign language..all of the emotion is there but sometimes the words don't make sense. It's an addictive confusion.

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haha... sdre's fans take after them! they're poets!! :-)

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essa música é perfeitaaaaaa

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This song sounds like an acid trip

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correction: I believe it's "the why you restarts" in the chorus and not "the way you restarts." Anyway: this song never made sense to me until recently. I get the feeling it could be about finding your current love is not real anymore, and you're drawn away by someone else. "stay around running out" is confusion of not wanting to leave the current relationship. "you climbed the wreck..." is about guilt over falling out of love. If you feel mean because you stopped loving someone else who still loves you, you might say you have a "cold diamond heart." Yet even though its cruel, its "still beating" because you are still able to love a new person, and "no one knows the reason why." I see the middle of the song as working out this confusion, until the singer finally gives up and says "the years of worry aren't my century." They're just giving into the feeling, and they're not going to worry about why or the past person that they hurt. And the title, I like to think of it as a reference to the elephant in the room, the thing that everyone ignores but is really obvious; that could be about how the whole situatio n starts: a new person who realizes you are drawn to them and they are drawn to you but you won't do anything about it because you're still in a seperate relationship at the time. So you ignore it like an elephant in the room.

hmmm...maybe the red elephant is his heart? hehe

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I think it could easily be political. Red elephant as part of the whole partisan jawnpiece, Swaying stars.Time running out. Compromises. Maybe it is about a policital leader addressing his country.

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Note that this archived site states: web.archive.org/web/20081118065914/http://www.sunnydayrealestate.net/red_elephant.htm


The "why you" restarts again

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