Lyric discussion by astrueasyouandme 

Cover art for The Dance lyrics by Garth Brooks

I had a close friend pass away about a year and a half ago. He had muscular dystrophy and was only 20. His brother, Stephen, and I are really close friends to this day... but I remember every detail of the Sunday our minister announced in church that Ryan had died that morning. My mother said you could hear a collective gasp from the balcony where all of the youth sit. Stephen and I were 15. The three of us had been hanging out at a benefit for M.D. the day before and Ryan had been fine.

One of Ryan's teachers sang this song at the funeral and I haven't been able to listen to it without crying since up until about a week ago. I was in the car with Stephen and it came on and we just sat there and listened to it.

My interpretation is just that. Someone died unexpectedly at a very young age... I miss Ryan everyday, but now I realize that I'm glad I didn't know we would lose him... because I would have missed out on so many memories.