Lyric discussion by AmylinaBallerina 

Cover art for Overlap lyrics by Ani DiFranco

What a beautiful song. seriously. I heard it at nationals... two girls did a lyrical/modern dance to it. Straight up amazing.

Basically I take it as a person wanting someone but confused about how they feel about her. She tries to study his/her face for some sign and disects every conversation they have. "If you won't give it to me/ at least give me a better view" If she cant be with that person then she'll kinda watch and wish... telling them to stand in front of the light so she can look and admire what she can't have.

The third verse is a "every song she sings she sings for him" type thing, whether he wants to see it or not. She approaches each day hoping that this person will tell her how they feel but she says that either the person isn't brave enough or just doesn't like her.

I know there is strength in the differences between us and I know there is comfort where we overlap

and i love that ^^ strength in both differences and similarities...