Lyric discussion by MoonlitKnight 

Cover art for We Will Rock You lyrics by Queen guys are all nuts. Here is what the song really a three different snapshots of one mans a boy....a young man and an old a boy He is playing.....kicking his can all over the place...refers to a childrens game called kick the can....waving your banner all over the place and the blood on your face line refers to the fact that many young folk get involved in causes,factions and the like when they still are motivated by idealism and finally as an old man who has come full circle,back to his childhood.both the first verse and the last includes the line...mud on your an old man he hasn't changed a thing hence he is a disgrace.....this has nothing to do with gay rights or any of that shit. I find it amusing that gays wrap themselves in the cloak of Queen music to espouse their lifestyle.I am no homophobe but I find it tedious that Gays wanna find some gay reference in almost every queen song.Get a fucking clue.

@MoonlitKnight There's a bit more to it, the main character is obviously a rebel and seen as a disgrace by society. Seeming particularly worse off in old age. It seems fairly open-ended and could be about anyone who doesn't fit into society including someone who's gay or perhaps not. Most lyricists tend to allow some degree of interpretation by the listener. What the song isn't about is the average person getting through life.

@MoonlitKnight Especially since Freddie didn't write all or even most of the lyrics. Brian May wrote the song all by himself. Some people think Another One Bites The Dust is about AIDS. John Deacon wrote that one and it's quite possible he didn't even know what AIDS was at the time he wrote the song. I've even heard that Bohemian Rhapsody is about AIDS. Literally nobody knew what AIDS was when Freddie wrote that song. The only song that Freddie wrote about AIDS was I'm Going Slightly Mad which was a witty, humorous take on the cognitive decline he was...

@MoonlitKnight it's all about [and only about] Mercury getting knocked back one weekend while on tour