Queen – It's Late Lyrics
| 16 years ago
:sigh: This is, along with Liar and The March of the Black Queen, one of My favorite Queen Songs. I always find it alarming, amusing, and astonishing, the way peopled minds work when they interpret lyrics. Here's my two cents.
I think that this song is about unrequited love. The narrator is telling the story of his/her own personal dilemma concerning a relationship. C'mon now folks...we've all been in this kinda situation. Someone love you, blindly,and,in this case foolishly and in vain..and you know in your heart it's not going to work...for whatever reason. Lack of chemistry, no real heartfelt emotion on your stay in the relationship. Because,in a nut shell, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know i.e. being alone. So you stay for the sex,or the companionship, or the convenience. But always, nagging at the back of your mind,you know it's wrong for you, wrong for your partner and in the end pain is on the way. I think the last few verses where the narrator refers to both fire,and water may be symbolic representations of both the fire of anger when you finally get the guts to tell him/her it's over and the water, the tears that may flow from one or both parties involved. But, alas, in the end it doesn't really matter because it is,truly, all too late. |
Led Zeppelin – The Battle of Evermore Lyrics
| 16 years ago
Kambo, obviously put in a lotta work, that's a shame since you are obviously looking and apparently have found, a meaning to support your belief system. I personally hold with the LoTR folks. You want to over complicate things...well have at it. |
Queen – We Will Rock You Lyrics
| 19 years ago
| guys are all nuts. Here is what the song really a three different snapshots of one mans a boy....a young man and an old a boy He is playing.....kicking his can all over the place...refers to a childrens game called kick the can....waving your banner all over the place and the blood on your face line refers to the fact that many young folk get involved in causes,factions and the like when they still are motivated by idealism and finally as an old man who has come full circle,back to his childhood.both the first verse and the last includes the line...mud on your an old man he hasn't changed a thing hence he is a disgrace.....this has nothing to do with gay rights or any of that shit. I find it amusing that gays wrap themselves in the cloak of Queen music to espouse their lifestyle.I am no homophobe but I find it tedious that Gays wanna find some gay reference in almost every queen song.Get a fucking clue. |
Barenaked Ladies – Brian Wilson Lyrics
| 19 years ago
the pavlov dog reference refers to the writer going to the record store,being surrounded by other peoples creativity,hoping that it will inspire his own...i.e like Pavlovs dogs that salivated when a bell was rung.Pavlov had always fed the dogs after he first rang a bell. It's an oblique reference to reward training....Bell ringing=salivating=food...Visiting the record store= inspiration=creativity. |
The Beach Boys – Wouldn't It Be Nice Lyrics
| 19 years ago
At the risk of dating myself I must admit that this song was the song I will always associate with my first love.We both loved this song and its sentiments.
Sadly all that was long ago....I wonder where she is now? |
Queen – Son and Daughter Lyrics
| 19 years ago
| guys crack me up! Take it for what it is and stop trying to psychoanalyze the lyrics....this is a straight up kick ass rock and roll more no less |
Queen – Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy Lyrics
| 19 years ago
geeze...some of you guys kill the fucking lyrics and comprehend them. This song leaves who it is sung to could be sung to a boy or a's about one guy giving his qualifications to a potential less |
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