Lyric discussion by pnew 

I think I somewhat agree with NYP but this song means something a little different to me. First off this is my very favorite FSF song, by a long shot.

We live in a society today where Christianity and Christian living is scrutinized to no end. Non Christians and those apathetic to religion are waiting for Christians to do something wrong to prove their point hence "With starving appetites for arguments". As NYP mentioned above no christian or anyone else is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes yet Christians are judged by society through how they carry themselves/act. "Did you know you were a saint? What a shameful fall from grace."

Its your Christian brother/sister's duty as it is your's to not only hold you accountable but to pick you up and dust you off after you've screwed up... "But I'll catch you, I'll catch you"...

Now here's the meat of the song:

"Everybody's waiting for that something they can hold on to While tripping over our own words to self-dug graves for an excuse to fall Because every failure's just as sweet as the last"

Each and all of us no matter what we believe in are seeking something out of life. On this path those in disagreement with Christianity use examples they've seen in Christian friends stumbling to argue the realness and validity of the Christian faith. Non-Christians use these examples (...tripping over OUR own words...) to in a sense justify why they think Christianity is pointless and are thus digging their own graves.

As Christians, we must be careful in the way we carry ourselves because we're influencing people's decisions without even knowing them. Its also a message to non-Christians challenging them not to base their opinions off of imperfect Christians because Christians as imperfect humans will fail you everytime.

If you want to make an argument against Christianity strike it at the heart through Christ's teachings and not take the easy way out by observing imperfect followers.

To Christians its saying don't give non-Christians the chance to do this. Strive to be Christ like.

Everyone's looking for excuse to take the easy way out. They're all going against their better judgement.

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