Lyric discussion by hellfirecan 

I am really not a fan of these guys or Simple Plan, etc. It isn't very good in my opinion, but they make music that obviously some people want to hear, wether they think they can relate to the songs or just like the sound of them. Judas Priest was my escape years ago. I bet most of the fans of Good Charolette haven't even heard of them (do yourself a favour and download some of their songs, Parental Guidance, Exciter, The Ripper to name a few). But to put down people for the music they like is kind of childish...and this happens a lot on this site Put down the music if you like, but leave the fans alone. And to those who get offended and lash out at those people who don't share the same music taste as you, get a thicker's just music.. I listen to mostly Canadian music, stuff that I am sure many American would laugh at...but who cares (do yourself another favour and download some Tragicaly Hip, Rhymes With Orange, Treble Charger, The Salads, Headstones, Finger 11, Miller Stain Limit, The Watchmen, Sam Roberts...but no Avril or Celine Dion okay...we appologize for them...we really It's what I like. and I am sure there are people laughing at some of those bands I wrote down.

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