Lyric discussion by HurrayForSchool 

I think BlackTippedWings has got it. "Midnight neuces from boxcar cadavears" I think "neuces" might be "nooses". And that might be talking about a stethescope on a doctor, and the boxcar could be the ambulance. I could be way off, but that's just my interpretation.

"Made its way through the tracks Of a snail slouching whisper A half mass comute through umbilical blisters "

It it is in fact talking about his ride in the ambulance, "Tracks" could be roads, "snail" could be the pace that he percieves, because morphine slows things down, and "commute" could be the ride to the hospital.

@HurrayForSchool where the hell you guys get this BS interpretations from. People who think there are some objective meaning to cedric's lyrics have completely missed the essence of mars volta.

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