Lyric discussion by River Wolf 

Cover art for Mr. Crowley lyrics by Ozzy Osbourne

Bloody awesome song about Aleister Crowley. Go Ozzy, Go Randy, Go other dudes in the band (sorry, I forgot your names).

Crowley was the most notorious occultist ever. He did tons of conjuring, black magic, kabala, and all that shit as well as tons of drug and sex. He was called 666 and the wickedest man in the world.

Yes he was! =) as a matter of fact, correction, he wasnt called 666, he was called "The Beast 666".

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Yeah he was an occultist, probably an Oculist, and is exactly why you shouldn't support him, as he did not have humanity's best interests at heart ever. He's the reason these Satanic churches and After School Satan programs will plant themselves around the US, influencing children and brainwashing the sheeple, furthering our decline.