Mr. Crowley Lyrics
Mr. Crowley, did you talk with the dead
Your lifestyle to me seemed so tragic
With the thrill of it all
You fooled all the people with magic
You waited on Satan's call
Mr. Alarming, in nocturnal rapport
Uncovering things that were sacred manifest on this earth
Conceived in the eye of a secret
And they scattered the afterbirth
Mr. Crowley, it's symbolic of course
Approaching a time that is classic
I hear maidens call
Approaching a time that is drastic
Standing with their backs to the wall
I want to know what you meant
I want to know
I want to know what you meant

Aleister Crowley was born in 1875... why would they have scattered the afterbirth if his birthmark looked like a swastika? the swastika symbol was not 'evil' until it was associated with nazi germany in the early 1930's. before then, it was around in many cultures, including the Sioux Indians, where it was a symbol of peace. in 1875 it certainly didnt have the associations it has now, so that doesn
t make alot of sense.
well i know most of the nazi party before and during its rise to power were heavily influenced by occultism, black magick and many other ritualistic cults that have since died out. just because nobody in the general public knows what exactly they studied, they could have well studied Mr. Crowley in they occult moments and picked up the use of the swastika from him. who knows.
well i know most of the nazi party before and during its rise to power were heavily influenced by occultism, black magick and many other ritualistic cults that have since died out. just because nobody in the general public knows what exactly they studied, they could have well studied Mr. Crowley in they occult moments and picked up the use of the swastika from him. who knows.
That's actually a very good assumption I never thought of the connection before Aleister was a very influential member of the occult community
That's actually a very good assumption I never thought of the connection before Aleister was a very influential member of the occult community
The swastika was one of the symbols of the Nordic thunder god Thor. It was used by one of the smaller tribes of the Norse, i can't recall which one exactly. This is where Nazi Germany got the swastika because they believed that the viking warriors had to be the same as the great Aryan race due to their fighting prowess.
The swastika was one of the symbols of the Nordic thunder god Thor. It was used by one of the smaller tribes of the Norse, i can't recall which one exactly. This is where Nazi Germany got the swastika because they believed that the viking warriors had to be the same as the great Aryan race due to their fighting prowess.

ozzygurly you are illinformed. Aleister Crowley did not have a swastika birthmark, crowley was born a christian and became obsessed with ancient egypt, strayed away from his christian roots to discover hidden secrets of magick, forming his own cult. Crowley is the author of many books on the subject, one being diary of a drug fiend in which he purposely got himself addicted to heroin and cocaine in order to prove that free will can overcome addiction which was believed to be impossible at the time. The reference to the white horse is not drugs, in the bible it says behold the pale horse for the man who rides on him was death, and hell followed with him. Many believed crowley to be the antichrist from hell. He died a lonely outcast unable to believe in anything at all hence, "your lifestyle to me seemed so tragic, with the thrill of it all"
He was a Christian at a time, but he became a Satanist later on. "You waited on Satan's call". Doh.
He was a Christian at a time, but he became a Satanist later on. "You waited on Satan's call". Doh.
the reason why he separated from christianity was cause of his fathers death. he was so mad about it and failed to believe in that god. his family was really religious, so when his pops died he decided to do something to piss his mom off, he decided to sin real bad, he fucked a woman who i believe worked for his parents or something(someone please correct me if im wrong, i forgot a bit about this) on his mothers bed, at the age of 14 i believe. and then he went on and tried to discover different teachings. he...
the reason why he separated from christianity was cause of his fathers death. he was so mad about it and failed to believe in that god. his family was really religious, so when his pops died he decided to do something to piss his mom off, he decided to sin real bad, he fucked a woman who i believe worked for his parents or something(someone please correct me if im wrong, i forgot a bit about this) on his mothers bed, at the age of 14 i believe. and then he went on and tried to discover different teachings. he wanted to be into something Dark as people say. so when he found it, he began to exceed in it. he wanted to do things that they didnt allow, so he considered them not good enough. then he went on a trip with his wife to egypt for their honeymoon i believe. then his wife had some vision type shit(im not gonna get into detail with everythin), she showed him horus, then later that night Horus came to him along with Nuit and Hadit. they told him to write down everything they said and that is how Thelema came to exist. (im not tryna say ur wrong in any way with what u said, just tryna clarify that he didn tall of a sudden become obsessed with ancient egypt.
Actually, something interesting is that Crowley was born and raised Christian, specifically the Exclusive Brethren, a very conservative faction of Christianity. As a young man in a Catholic university, he often argued theology with his teachers about what he perceived to be incongruences in the bible. When his dad died, he disassociated himself from both schools of Christianity and jumped from cult to cult. He stuck with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn for a little while, but then helped in the overthrowing of the leaders of the group. After a while, he spent time in Egypt, where he...
Actually, something interesting is that Crowley was born and raised Christian, specifically the Exclusive Brethren, a very conservative faction of Christianity. As a young man in a Catholic university, he often argued theology with his teachers about what he perceived to be incongruences in the bible. When his dad died, he disassociated himself from both schools of Christianity and jumped from cult to cult. He stuck with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn for a little while, but then helped in the overthrowing of the leaders of the group. After a while, he spent time in Egypt, where he claimed to have been visited by his Guardian Spirit "Aiwass", who spent an hour with him each day for three days in a "temple" and passed down to him the "Book of Law". Then he founded the religion of Thelema in Celafu.

Bloody awesome song about Aleister Crowley. Go Ozzy, Go Randy, Go other dudes in the band (sorry, I forgot your names).
Crowley was the most notorious occultist ever. He did tons of conjuring, black magic, kabala, and all that shit as well as tons of drug and sex. He was called 666 and the wickedest man in the world.
Yes he was! =) as a matter of fact, correction, he wasnt called 666, he was called "The Beast 666".
Yes he was! =) as a matter of fact, correction, he wasnt called 666, he was called "The Beast 666".
Yeah he was an occultist, probably an Oculist, and is exactly why you shouldn't support him, as he did not have humanity's best interests at heart ever. He's the reason these Satanic churches and After School Satan programs will plant themselves around the US, influencing children and brainwashing the sheeple, furthering our decline.
Yeah he was an occultist, probably an Oculist, and is exactly why you shouldn't support him, as he did not have humanity's best interests at heart ever. He's the reason these Satanic churches and After School Satan programs will plant themselves around the US, influencing children and brainwashing the sheeple, furthering our decline.

This guitar solo is insane!! It blows my mind as much as any guitar solo ever

This song is one of my favorites. It is the fucking greatest. Rhoades and Zakk are one of the best fucking gitarists. The solo is the best!

this is probaly my favorite from the blizzard of ozz. it is also sad when i hear the guitar solo from randy rhoads. he was the greatest guitars ever. if he was still alive he would still be kicking ass. absolute great song. R.I.P. Randy Rhoads.

Ya I couldn't beleive that Guitar World voted the "Crazy Train" solo over this one, I mean they are both good but it's no contest if you ask me.

hey muzzy, beinga guitarist myself, and able to play both crazy train and mr. crowley, crazy train is clearly the better choice for the higher vote. and as fa as randy as the greatest guitarist of all time, i would put him in the top ten, yes, but even ozzy himself, after hearing zakk's audition/demo tapes after randy's death, said that zakk was BETTER tahn randy. and taht was at the age of 19 for zakk wylde, and he only picked up his first guitar at age 14. so you tell me who is better...
@ThoughtLikeFlames Diary of a Madman > Blizzard of Oz
@ThoughtLikeFlames Diary of a Madman > Blizzard of Oz

DarkSideoftheWall, although what you say is generally true crowley himself claimed to have been borne with 'the three signs of a budha' these where apparently included, being quite literally tongue tied (he apparently had an operation which involved the area below the tongue being removed), a membrain covering his forskin, and in his own words 'four hairs curling from left to right in the exact form of a swastika'. of course crowley often embellished tales of his life so you could be entirely correct, im just pointing out where ozzygurly got the idea of the birthmark. most of this was quoted from a biography on him entitled A magick life.

Judas Priest does a great cover of this.