Lyric discussion by DavidSpoon 

Cover art for Death Magick For Adepts lyrics by Cradle of Filth

This is going to get me some flames for sure. Remember, this is a personal opinion. I am not calling a spade, "a spade." Alright. This is about the wonderful way we are destroying the planet. So we should be whipped out. Part one: The Trespassing into hell. We have quotes of people just dying to discover something new. Literally. This can translate to scientists who were willing to take any risks to learn something new about the world. Eventually we grow miserable without the opium of religion and more greedy due to resources that are more accsessable. Science leads to the seven deadly sins.. therefore science leads to hell. Part Two: The Rape of Mother Nature. Well, that's self explainitory. Part Three: The Ship Full of Fools Sinking. Aw, tragedy.. we all die because of science. Also note that "painting coal a perfect gold." This refers to alchemy. With what we know of alchemy, it causes very nasty things to the alchemists, like radiation poisoning. So what do we have here? People willing to whipe themselves out for the sake of science. A very good metaphor for my version of the song.