Death Magick For Adepts Lyrics

Come distortured artists
Bitter things seek meaning
Even if they're madness to behold
Once forbears to horizons
Where the dead stayed dreaming
Now nightmares waken souls
That fear the living's toll

Gova, Bosch and Brueghel
Three times moonwise stain thy graves
For words alone are at loss to trace
The face of today's inhuman wraith

One half adrift in the vast abyss
Of despair and misery
The other a mask of rich red lips
Whetted by the fevers of belief and greed

All damned in this inferno
Where even Virgil averts His eyes
From the black mass mutual gang rape
Of Caesing hands an forced divides

Trespass these seven gates
To a world bloodlet to shades
Where Seraphim
(Falling on deaf ears) bleat
Of their cold and coming Master's race
In the seweres of Babylon
Stillborn to a trough anon
Chimiracles will hatch like plots
To dredge faeces to pearl their cross

Enter Penteholocaust!
Five Aeons past, yet still Man grasps
At final straws to save his cast

His Lord is a leper we shall not want
He betrayed us with white lies
His acrid pall as of the tomb
Reminds us how we rot inside

Gutted like fool's paradise
Glutted on cruel appetites...

Holding court to chaos
Folding to far graver arms
A downfall fatal to all resounds
As orgies peak in self centred psalms

And Nature screams Her sufferings
Under bowed and cankered wings
A bleak scorched Earth necrotica burning
Like the robes we've torn from Her

She begs Us lay Her pain to rest
Lest We are left with nothingness
Save for Her stripped and ravished flesh

And if Her fate is not portent of Apocalypse
Then the comets that graxe nightskies
Will surely cleanse of wrongs and reichs
When you and I and all else dies...

It's rotting down
This carcass Maggotropolis

Interdependent as worms to the grave
Allah's true name is naught
Chist acannot save
Locked in a waltz of evermore frantic steps
Spells of regret...
Death Magick for Adepts

Be prepared to fulfill prophecies
The glorious fall of a sin dynasty

Gutted like fool's paradise
Glutted on cruel appeitites...

"We've woven hearts a thorn arbour
Left tear streaked reason upon the shore
And bereft of compass, star or more
Set out for this World's end
Few at the prow, most slave below
Painting coal a perfect gold
But for all it's worth, the engines slow
Dead in the brine again
Come cabin fever, sodomy on the bounty
Prey to phallus seas
That hiss and foam to douse disease
A storm roars on the way
Blacker than the Ace of Rapes
Dealt out by Death in darkwood glades
Our Ship of Fools, all boards handmade
Sinks, dashed by seismic waves..."
10 Meanings
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This song is about madness, insanity. "Come distortured artists Bitter things seek meaning Even if they're madness to behold "

It's about the people who see more than meets the eye, and combined (as almost every track on Midian) with the theme of the end-of-the-world, it makes a killer track.

The last part is about when these mad people (allegorically, of course) leave the shore (which could be society) to completely indulge themselves into insanity. "And bereft of compass, star or more" - whitout the guide of science "Few at the prow, most slave below" - no leaders, just madmed doing their own thing, "Painting coal, a perfect gold" - working with falsariums and illusions, and also vanity.

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The last part of this song is so awesome. It gives me such a great mental picture when of a ship of pirates or something that sail around destroying everything in sight. Then a huge storm comes in and when they say

"Our Ship of Fools, all boards handmade Sinks, dashed by seismic waves..."

The guitar kicks in and sounds almost like waves crashing around. It's great. CoF fuckin rules.

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This song is amazing.Doug Bradley adds so much atmosphere with his Pinhead voice.Gians guitar work here is the best on the album.Awesome song.

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I love the organs & keyboards of this song, especially towards the middle of the song. This is possibly their most dark album yet. THeir recnt one Damnation is their heaviest I think.

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This is going to get me some flames for sure. Remember, this is a personal opinion. I am not calling a spade, "a spade." Alright. This is about the wonderful way we are destroying the planet. So we should be whipped out. Part one: The Trespassing into hell. We have quotes of people just dying to discover something new. Literally. This can translate to scientists who were willing to take any risks to learn something new about the world. Eventually we grow miserable without the opium of religion and more greedy due to resources that are more accsessable. Science leads to the seven deadly sins.. therefore science leads to hell. Part Two: The Rape of Mother Nature. Well, that's self explainitory. Part Three: The Ship Full of Fools Sinking. Aw, tragedy.. we all die because of science. Also note that "painting coal a perfect gold." This refers to alchemy. With what we know of alchemy, it causes very nasty things to the alchemists, like radiation poisoning. So what do we have here? People willing to whipe themselves out for the sake of science. A very good metaphor for my version of the song.

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This song is incredible, everything Cradle does is amazing. When i first read the lyrics i got the same interpretation as DavidSpoon.

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lol @ spyder one I see what you mean dude...hahaha

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Thats an interesting take on this song, DavidSpoon. I agree with you in some parts, and it's given me more to think about.

It is also, in my opinion, about some artists and art, perhaps what they think? (Heironymous) Bosch and Brueghel are old artists, whose works could be called "dark oils"... they paint metaphorically dark scenes in oils. Bosch painted a triptych called "The Garden of Earthly Delights" in which one panel was titled "Hell", and Brueghel painted "The Triumph of Death". I don't know who Gova is (could somebody please tell me?) but I assume he is an artist similar to Bosch and Bruegel.

That's what I've decided about the song, I've not gone deep into analysing it, but those are the bits that strike me... and of course, the bit about the raping of nature, self-explanatory, as DavidSpoon says.

Cradle of Filth is the best fucking band ever.

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i tried to find something on Gova and could get nothing...

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Actually, thats a misprint....the bit in the lyrics where it says "Gova" here, Dani actually sings "Goya" as in Francisco Goya. Towards the end of his life, Goya lost his hearing and that combined with the constant wars and death in Spain (at the time) caused his work to become more dark and insane, a collection that became known after his death as "The Black Paintings". Of these, "Saturn Devouring his Son" is probably best known.


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