Lyric discussion by goodmorningmisterben 

This song is completely unbelievable. He wrote it when he was 21. Where he got that kind of wisdom I can't even begin to understand. In the liner notes of The Freewheeling Bob Dylan, the album this song is on, it says, "'I've never really written anything like that before,' [Dylan] recalls. 'I don't sing songs which hope people will die, but I couldn't help it in this one. The song is sort of a striking out, a reaction to the last straw, a feeling of what CAN you do?' The rage (which is as much anguish as it is anger) is a way of catharsis, a way of getting temporary relief from the heavy feeling of impotence that affects many who cannot understand a civilization which juggles its own means for oblivion and calls that performance an act toward peace."
I find this song so wise and so totally relevant to the days we're living in; it addresses every aspect of what's wrong with this culture. As is implied in the liner notes, I don't think even Dylan thought that Jesus wouldn't forgive these acts, but - it's difficult to imagine. My favourite line is "you that never done nothing but build to destroy/you play with my world like it's your little toy." The arrogance of all those in power in the world - the wealthy - is so mind-boggling. Not only can they destroy the lives of everyone under them just so they can buy a new yacht, their hubris is so great they think they can outwit death. - He says it all, I'm just babbling, there's nothing I can add to this song.