Lyric discussion by Ryan Ward 

Cover art for 210 Dog Years lyrics by One Minute Silence

I think the song is a wake up call (like most of oms's songs) and the message is quite clear. All of this madness is happening in the world (e.g the poor are left to die while governemnts spend our money on consolidating their power and "defense".) yet we as a society choice to ignore it and let our governments get on with it and keep us blind to the truth. Most people who dare to ponder on these problems just end up justifying to themselves why they should not worry about it because there is nothing they can do about it.

"From the top down to the bottom, that includes you pig" I may be wrong but the reference to pig is talking about workers who choose to carry on serving tyranical governments without objuection, choosing to ignore the harm governments do because they are paid to. After all the government would be powerless if there was nobody to serve them.