6 Meanings
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210 Dog Years Lyrics

Jesus Christ, I feel like taking life
I'm screaming 'peace' but know its price
And you all screaming 'bigger slice'
My god - I don't need this

I don't need this
I don't need this
I don't need this
I don't need this

1.3 billion people live on the equivalent of less than one dollar a day
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking
The world spends 780 billion dollars every year on weapons of war
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking
4.7 million children under the age of five die every year in south Asia
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking
An estimated 2 million children have been killed in armed conflicts in the past decade
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking

Lighten up a little
Lighten up a little
Lighten up a little
I feel like

Jesus Christ I've seen and said it all
I've seen the writing on the wall
And brick by brick this world will fall
My god - I don't need this

I don't need this
I don't need this
I don't need this
I don't need this

Estimated number of people in the world who go to bed hungry every night - 800 million
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking
More than 90 per cent of the victims of today's wars are civilians
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking
1.2 million people have died in Iraq since 1991 (because of sanctions placed on food and medical aid)
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking
Cost of America's 21 B2 bombers: 42 Billion
Keep talking, keep talking, keep talking

210 dog years, still alive, still here, no religion, no flag, no fear, slip into fifth gear and move, those who would disapprove can suck my dick, say sorry? Like fuck am I, those who wish to see me dead can die, the self righteous, step up and I might just see you saved, remember my face when you go to the grave, fuck you, every last one of you, from the top down to the bottom, and that includes you, pig!

My god is awake! My god is alive!
My god is awake! My god has arrived!
My god is awake! My god is alive!
My god is awake! My god has arrived!
Song Info
Submitted by
psychedeliasmith On Apr 13, 2002
6 Meanings
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I think the song is a wake up call (like most of oms's songs) and the message is quite clear. All of this madness is happening in the world (e.g the poor are left to die while governemnts spend our money on consolidating their power and "defense".) yet we as a society choice to ignore it and let our governments get on with it and keep us blind to the truth. Most people who dare to ponder on these problems just end up justifying to themselves why they should not worry about it because there is nothing they can do about it.

"From the top down to the bottom, that includes you pig" I may be wrong but the reference to pig is talking about workers who choose to carry on serving tyranical governments without objuection, choosing to ignore the harm governments do because they are paid to. After all the government would be powerless if there was nobody to serve them.

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no, pig is a nickname for the police. i.e. 16 stone pig- i say he found himself back in pig cell

or pig untill proven cop track 13 album available i nall colours

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no, pig is a nickname for the police. i.e. 16 stone pig- i say he found himself back in pig cell

or pig untill proven cop track 13 album available i nall colours

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sorry didnt mean to post 2ice

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pig doesn't have to be a nickname for the police, although i do agree in this instance

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I think pig is a general reference to authority. To see where im coming from, read Animal Farm by George Orwell

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