Lyric discussion by soma 

Cover art for Iron Man lyrics by Black Sabbath

From what I could gather with various interviews, the song itself is based on a movie in which a man goes to the future and sees total destruction. He goes back to try to attempt to alter the end of the world, yet the end of the world is caused by his attempt to stop it, and the song is based on his struggle to stop the destruction. That's what I heard on Ozzy DVD's, I guess you have to read into the lyrics a lot, because it is in no ways obvious.

yeah thats partly it, and then the guy of the song goes back to his own time after seeing the destruction, gets covered in iron (some how) and when he tries to warn the people they just ignore him and make him angry causing the destruction he saw in his own "vision" sort of like a time traveling paradox

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What movie is tht?

@soma sounds like La Jetee, but nobody gets turned to metal in that.