Lyric discussion by allergic 

ok, i love this song... maybe i should stop using the word 'love'. it's kind of ironic, see the song's talking about being out of love while i'm raving about how i love the song. i think the lyrics are saying how his view on love changed. or he used to feel but now he can't because of depression maybe. hell, i don't know what i'm talking about. my head isn't working. but i think daniel was very honest in this song. it's kinda like he's saying, he's been using love, abusing it rather. while people around him thinks they know what love is all about, he wallows in lonliness and thinks that love doesn't exist anymore. but really, the meaning of love's evolved over time, into something quite unacceptable. and it's over used. I'd quote somthing from oscar wilde "love is not fashionable anymore. the poets have killed it. they wrote too much about it that nobody believed them."-- i just thought that somehow had a connection to the song.

Daniel said in the making or Miss You Love on youtube "Its actually not a love song at all. Its about not being in love, not finding love and not caring about it." But I still dont get some of the lines, like the millionaire one.

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